Roblox Mac Os X 10 6

Roblox Was Not Able To Update Mac. Roblox Was Not Able To Update Mac. Snow Leopard on Hackintosh (Second Method) - An excellent guide to installing Mac OS X 10.6 'Snow Leopard' from Bassheadtech. The same blogger also offers an older step-by-step guide to upgrading a Hackintosh to Mac OS X 10.6 'Snow Leopard' from Mac OS X 10.5.8 'Leopard'.

Fluxus is a “a live coding environment for 3D graphics, music and game” available at If you know Racket (or LISP, or Scheme) it will look immediately familiar. I wanted to install it for our new Computer Science degree, where we teach Racket, and I wanted to do some experiments with its music capabilties. However, the installation is not exactly user-friendly… I have tried the precompiled package available from the website but sound did not work for me (flexa was missing). In the end, I installed the source files and compiled them, and I managed to have the sound.

This is what I have done on a Mac OS X 10.6 (a 6 year-old Mac Pro) and Mac OS X 10.8 (a 3-week old Mac Book Pro). It is essentially what the README file in the source tree tells you to do; the problem is that you find a lot of websites giving you different suggestions, including the README file itself. For instance, the README file tells you that you can use Homebrew to install fluxus, but the homebrew installation is broken for the moment… So, here it goes:

  • Install the 32 bit version of Racket, dowloadable from I have installed 5.3.6. Notice that you really need the 32 version: fluxus will not link against the 64-bit version.
  • Install Macports from This is needed to install all the fluxus dependencies below.
  • Clone the fluxus source code: git clone git://
  • Add the following two lines to your .bash_profile:

    Make sure that the Racket version is correct, and change it appropriately if needed.The file .bash_profile shoud be in your home directory, typically something like /Users/franco/. If it does not exist, just create it and make sure to open a new terminal so that these variables are loaded. You can check this with the command echo $PATH from the command line.

  • Install all the dependencies using macport. From the command line, run:

    (all this should be on a single line. If not, remember to add the backslash at the end). This will take a bit of time, don’t worry and have a coffee or tea in the meanwhile.

  • Install JackOSX from I have installed version 0.90 beta 15. This requires to reboot your computer, do this now and have another coffee or tea in the meanwhile.
  • Go back to the directory where you have downloaded fluxus. In this directory, type:

    to compile fluxus. Again, you will need to wait a bit (but not too much, not enough for another coffee or tea). Scons is yet another building system that was installed using macports a few lines above.

  • Finally, you can install fluxus with:

You are now ready to test the sytem. You need to start Jack and fluxa, and then you’ll be able to play some music. More in detail:

  • In Applications, look for the folder called Jack, open it and double click on JackPilot. Check that the configuration is correct, save it, and then start JackPilot. Wait a few seconds and it should be ready, giving you CPU load.
  • In a terminal, launch the command fluxa (it should be in your path). It should just say “fluxa server ready”
  • Finally, let’s try to play something. In a terminal, go to the source tree of Fluxus, enter the “examples” directory, and at the command line type fluxus sound.scm. Press ctrl+e (or F5) and enjoy…
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< Roblox (Windows, Mac OS X)(Redirected from ROBLOX (Windows, Mac OS X)/Removed Content)

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  • 1Graphics
  • 3Text


Early Moon Texture


Before 2007, this moon texture was used.

Early Builders Club Icons

Builders Club was the membership service that originally granted the additional perks that Roblox Premium gives to players who subscribed to it. These icons were used by previous versions of the game's UI on the player list to indicate which level of Builders Club players had, they later became unused when they were replaced with newer icons that lasted until Roblox Premium replaced this membership on September 23, 2019.

The icons that were for the regular Builders Club, 'Turbo' Builders Club, and 'Outrageous' Builders Club, respectively.

Early Dialog Bubble Textures

There were a bunch of images that were previously used for the NPC dialog bubbles but were left unused when the UI was redone.

Glue Surface Texture

In 2014, Roblox removed the Glue surface, this was its texture. When it was removed, all of the Glue used in the games were affected by getting replaced with the Welds.

Sun Rays Texture

Although sun rays are present in the game, this texture isn't used. In older versions of the game from 2012, the sun rays appeared when the time was exactly 6:00 A.M.

Here are the sun rays in action.

2011 UI Elements

When the In-Game Video Capture was first introduced, this was the button to stop recording, and it was located in the bottom right corner next to a camera icon.

This button, as it clearly says, used to be a shortcut to exiting a game, it was located in the bottom left corner. The first variant was used when the player was at the confirmation screen for leaving a game. The second variant was used when the cursor hovered over the button.



Character.png was a small graphic of an early Robloxian.

Test Textures

test_texture.jpg and test2_texture.jpg were two unused textures meant for testing something, most likely Materials or Decals. The textures were made in 1998.


Detonator.png was a clip art image of a detonator.

2005 Leftovers

  • SurfacePanel.png

  • VelocityTool.png

  • VelocityTool_ovr.png

  • VelocityTool_ds.png

  • VelocityTool_dn.png

  • FlatTool.png

  • FlatTool_dn.png

  • ControllerPanel.png

  • DropperTool.png

  • DopperTool_dn.png

  • FillTool.png

  • FillTool_dn.png

Roblox had a different UI in 2005, and there were plenty of leftovers from it.


  • FireWand.png

  • Gun.png

  • MissingCursor.png

  • ControllerAI1Tool.png

  • ControllerAI2Tool.png

  • ControllerNoneTool.png

Supersafe Chat Buttons

For a while, Roblox had a feature called 'Supersafe Chat' that any player could use, but in the case of users that were under the age of 13 and Guests, it was their only method of communicating as they could not use the regular chat. It replaced the regular chat's ability to type anything with preset messages instead. Although the feature was removed in April 2014, allowing any user to talk regularly (except Guests, who lost the ability to talk altogether), the code and images for Supersafe Chat still existed for a while.

The blue icon was used as the regular state, green was for when the cursor hovered over the button, and red was for when you were in the Supersafe Chat menu, the gray button was never used.

Early 2.0 Textures

Before the 2.0 package was released, a prototype was released. These textures were meant to go with the model used in the promotional render.

The textures of the old 2.0 head and body, used for the promotion. Their file names were JohnHead.png and JohnTex.png, respectively.

Oddly enough, it doesn't have a singular texture, which may have been because they planned to have full head and body replacement textures, similar to how pants and shirts work if the pants meant the entire body and the shirt meant the head. Furthermore, there's something in the top left corner that seems to resemble hair texturing (which the promotion render did not have), but it could be something completely unrelated that managed to find its way into the texture, either by pure accident or on purpose.Also noticeable is the drastic changes in pixel quality between JohnHead.png and JohnTex.png. This is quite unusual, seeing as these two textures were supposed to go together, and therefore would imply that they should have the same pixel quality, but they are not the same quality.

2007 Figure

Back in November of 2007, this image was used on the front page of the ROBLOX Website.

It was removed by 2008, being replaced by builderman.


Roblox Mac Os X

While these sounds were deleted, they can be accessed in the library, and so people can use them in their own games.

bfsl-minifigfoots2.mp3A low-quality walking sound.
Rubber band.wavA low-quality version of the slingshot sound.
Kid saying Ouch.wavA low-quality sound of, apparently, a kid saying 'Ouch'. It might have been an early death sound.
glassbreak.wavA loud sound effect of glass breaking.
Kerplunk.wavA 'kerplunk' sound. This was used in the 2008 'Egg Rain' as one of the eggs made this sound upon contact.
Launching rocket.wavAn unused, low-quality rocket launcher sound effect. This sound eventually was used for multiple Admin-made tools.
Shoulder fired rocket.wavAnother low-quality unused rocket launcher sound effect.
victory.wavThe 'Ta-Da!' sound effect from Windows 3.1. This was used in around 2010 and it played whenever a user obtained a badge.
flashbulb.wavA short bumping sound.

Roblox Mac Os X 10.6 Download


An XML file for the Supersafe Chat chat options.

Development Related

characterControlScript.rbxmx contains commented out metadata.

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